/* description: Parses SGF string and generates corresponding object. note1: This parser doesn't interpret PropValue, returns all as text. note2: Yout need at least one PropValues in each Property as I didn't understand elist of PropValue in the SGF specification. */ %{ /* prologue */ var strict = false; // if true, throw exception when overapping a property in a node. var debug = true; function addGameTrees(s, gts){ var n = s; while (n._children.length == 1) n = n._children[0]; n._children = gts; return n; } %} /* lexical grammar */ %lex %% \s*"(" return '('; ")"\s* return ')'; \s*";"\s* return ';'; "[" return '['; "]"\s* return ']'; ":" return ':'; \\[\r\n]+ return 'SOFT_LINEBREAK'; \\. return 'ESCAPE_CHAR'; [A-Z] return 'UC_LETTER'; [^();\[\]] return 'OTHER_CHAR'; <<EOF>> return 'EOF'; /lex %% /* language grammar */ output : collection EOF { if (debug) { console.log($1); /* var n = $1[0]; while (n._children.length > 0) { console.log(n); n = n._children[0]; } */ } return $1; } ; collection : gametree { $$ = [$1]; } | collection gametree { $1.push($2); $$ = $1; } ; gametree : '(' sequence ')' { $$ = $2; } | '(' sequence gametrees ')' { $$ = addGameTrees($2, $3); } ; gametrees : gametree { $$ = [$1]; } | gametrees gametree { $1.push($2); $$ = $1; } ; sequence : node { $$ = $1; } | node sequence { $1._children.push($2); $$ = $1; } ; node : ';' { $$ = {_children: []}; } | node property { if (strict == true && typeof $1[$2[0]] !== 'undefined') { throw new Error('double properties'); } else { $1[$2[0]] = $2[1]; $$ = $1; } } ; property : propident propvalues { $$ = [$1, $2]; } ; propident : UC_LETTER { $$ = $1; } | propident UC_LETTER { $$ = $1 + $2; } ; propvalues : propvalue { $$ = $1; } | propvalues propvalue { var a; if ($1 instanceof Array) a = $1; else a = [$1]; $$ = a.concat($2); } ; propvalue : '[' ']' { $$ = ''; } | '[' cvaluetype ']' { $$ = $2; } ; cvaluetype : text { $$ = $1; } | compose { $$ = $1; } ; compose : text ':' text { var o = {}; o[$1] = $2; $$ = o; } ; text : UC_LETTER { $$ = $1; } | OTHER_CHAR { $$ = $1; } | text UC_LETTER { $$ = $1 + $2; } | text OTHER_CHAR { $$ = $1 + $2; } | text SOFT_LINEBREAK { $$ = $1; } | text ESCAPE_CHAR { $$ = $1 + $2.slice(1); } ;
propvalues : propvalue { $$ = $1; } | propvalues propvalue { var a; if ($1 instanceof Array) a = $1; else a = [$1]; $$ = a.concat($2); } ;
propvalues : /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | propvalue { $$ = $1; } | propvalues propvalue { var a; if ($1 instanceof Array) a = $1; else a = [$1]; $$ = a.concat($2); } ;
このコードだと、"["をlook a headした時、emptyとしてreduceすることも、shiftすることもできる、ルールが衝突していると怒られます。emptyとしてreduceさせたくないのですが、その方法がわからない。
/* description: Parses SGF string and generates corresponding object. note1: This parser doesn't interpret PropValue, returns all as text. */ %{ /* prologue */ var strict = false; // if true, throw exception when overapping a property in a node. var debug = false; function addGameTrees(s, gts){ var n = s; while (n._children.length == 1) n = n._children[0]; n._children = gts; return n; } %} /* lexical grammar */ %lex %% \s*"(" return '('; ")"\s* return ')'; \s*";"\s* return ';'; "[" return '['; "]"\s* return ']'; ":" return ':'; \s+ return 'WHITE_SPACE'; \\[\r\n]+ return 'SOFT_LINEBREAK'; \\. return 'ESCAPE_CHAR'; [A-Z]+(?=\s*\[) return 'PROPIDENT'; [A-Z]+ return 'EMPTY_PROPIDENT'; [^();\[\]] return 'OTHER_CHAR'; <<EOF>> return 'EOF'; /lex %% /* language grammar */ output : collection EOF { if (debug) { console.log($1); /* var n = $1[0]; while (n._children.length > 0) { console.log(n); n = n._children[0]; } */ } return $1; } ; collection : gametree { $$ = [$1]; } | collection gametree { $1.push($2); $$ = $1; } ; gametree : '(' sequence ')' { $$ = $2; } | '(' sequence gametrees ')' { $$ = addGameTrees($2, $3); } ; gametrees : gametree { $$ = [$1]; } | gametrees gametree { $1.push($2); $$ = $1; } ; sequence : node { $$ = $1; } | node sequence { $1._children.push($2); $$ = $1; } ; node : ';' { $$ = {_children: []}; } | node property { if (strict == true && typeof $1[$2[0]] !== 'undefined') { throw new Error('double properties'); } else { $1[$2[0]] = $2[1]; $$ = $1; } } | node WHITE_SPACE property { if (strict == true && typeof $1[$3[0]] !== 'undefined') { throw new Error('double properties'); } else { $1[$3[0]] = $3[1]; $$ = $1; } } ; property : EMPTY_PROPIDENT { $$ = [$1, null]; } | PROPIDENT propvalues { $$ = [$1, $2]; } ; propvalues : propvalue { $$ = $1; } | propvalues propvalue { var a; if ($1 instanceof Array) a = $1; else a = [$1]; $$ = a.concat($2); } ; propvalue : '[' cvaluetype ']' { $$ = $2; } ; cvaluetype : text { $$ = $1; } | compose { $$ = $1; } ; compose : text ':' text { var o = {}; o[$1] = $2; $$ = o; } ; text : /* empty */ { $$ = '' } | text WHITE_SPACE { $$ = $1 + $2; } | text EMPTY_PROPIDENT { $$ = $1 + $2; } | text OTHER_CHAR { $$ = $1 + $2; } | text SOFT_LINEBREAK { $$ = $1; } | text ESCAPE_CHAR { $$ = $1 + $2.slice(1); } ;