


Nokia Developerより


This article gives valuable guidance for building faster web applications. The article is a collection of guidelines from various sources.

ケーススタディ: JavaScriptパフォーマンスを改善するための秘訣とこつ


Tips & tricks in this article were collected from the developer experiences when creating an example application.


ソース: Efficient JavaScript - ECMAScript


First understand the big picture and the major component of the stack affecting the performance. It is of utmost importance to understand what can and cannot be optimized in JavaScript without touching the browser codebase. A good starting point for this study is to first take a look at the JavaScript Performance Stack (depicted in the figure).


Pick your battles. It is generally a good approach to first optimize those parts which give you the biggest improvements.

現実のウェブアプリケーションのパフォーマンスで要となる役割を演じる相互に関係した多くの構成要素がある。レイアウトやレンダリング、HTMLパース、整列、DOM、CSSフォーマット、JavaScript -- ご存知のようにJavaScriptはパフォーマンス方程式の一部にすぎない。

There are many interrelated components that play an instrumental role in the real-life web application performance such as those responsible for layout, rendering, parsing HTML, marshaling, DOM, CSS formatting, JavaScript -- as you see, JavaScript is only one part of the performance equation.


The most expensive operations tend to be reflowing the layout and repainting. Although you as a JavaScript developer cannot optimize browser layout or painting algorithms you can still implicitly affect the performance of these expensive operations by trying to avoid triggering there expensive operations unnecessarily. A real-life example of IE8 tells us that layout and rendering tasks takes most time on IE8 (see webcast at -20:00 mins)


Below are some examples of common reasons for slow JavaScript performance that you as a JavaScript developer can easily fix and make your web application to perform better instantly:

DOM access


Interaction with the DOM is usually slower than normal JavaScript code. Interaction with the DOM is usually inevitable, but try to minimize it. For instance, dynamically creating HTML with strings and setting the innerHTML is usually faster than creating HTML with DOM methods.



Whenever possible, avoid the eval method because significant overhead is involved in script evaluation.



Using with statements creates additional scope objects that slow variable access and create ambiguities.

for-in loops

配列全体を横断するにはfor-inループの代わりに伝統的な {{{1}}}を使うこと。不幸にもほとんどのJavaScript環境のfor-inループの実装は遅い。

Traverse arrays use the traditional {{{1}}}instead of for-in loops. Unfortunately, most JavaScript environments have a slow implementation of for-in loops.