


Nokia Developerより


注意せよ!これらの最適化パターンはjQuery 1.2.6を対象にしている。最近のバージョンやSizzleセレクタエンジンはこれらのボトルネックのいくつかを軽減している。

NB! These optimization patterns are aimed at jQuery 1.2.6. Recent versions and the Sizzle selector engine alleviate some of these bottlenecks.

ソース Advanced jQuery with John Resig JavaScript Function Call Profiling


remove(), hmtl(), empty() はn2倍のオーダーの複雑性を持つ。すなわちT(n) = O(n2)。これらのメソッドの使用の最小化は1.3.3より前のjQueryバージョンで推奨されている。

remove(), hmtl() and empty() have order of n2 time complexity, that is T(n) = O(n2). Minimizing the use of these methods is recommended in jQuery versions prior to 1.3.3. .

大量のHTMLを取ったり、それをシリアル化すること$("Hello World!"))はもちろん、append, prepend, before, afterメソッドは高価だ。
これらの操作メソッドの背後のプロセスは以下の通り: 入力文字列を掃除して、文字列をDOM断片に変換して、それをDOMに挿入する。

append, prepend, before, after methods are expensive as well as taking a chunk of HTML and serializing it ($("
Hello World!
The process behind these manipulations methods is the following: cleaning the input string, converting the string into a DOM fragment and injecting it into the DOM.



Pay attention to the selectors you use. E.g. if you want to hide paragraphs which are direct children of div elements there are multiple ways to do it.


Using the selector below will try to find all div elements, loops thought all of them and find all p relative to the div, merge and figure out unique results. Making sure that the returned set is unique is where the most time is spent, and is very slow especially with a large DOM tree.


$("div p").hide();


A one way to optimize the selector is to match direct children of div (this may require you to re-factor the DOM structure of your app and may not be feasible in every scenario). This alternative flatter selector will try to find all div elements, loops thought all child elements and verifies if element is p.


$("div > p").hide();


Depending on the size of the array, looping through it using {{{1}}} instead of jQuery.each(myArray) may be faster.

.show(), .hide(), .toggle()の代わりを検討すること

.css({'display':'none'}) と .css({'display':'block'})を使って要素の可視性をトグルするほうが、従来の.show(), .hide() and toggle()を使うより速い。特にたくさんの要素でする時には。また、使うレンダリングエンジンによっては、addClass()と.removeClass()を使うより.css()が速い。

Toggling element visibility via .css({'display':'none'}) and .css({'display':'block'}); is faster than using convenience functions .show(), .hide() and toggle(), especially while working with large number of elements. Depending on the rendering engine used, .css() is also faster than using .addClass() and .removeClass().






For dealing with extremely large set of DOM elements, you may want to consider disabling stylesheets as follows:

<style id="special_hide">.special_hide { display: none; }</style>
<!--  ...  -->
<div class="special_hide">Special hide DIV</div>
// show all elements with a class of “special_hide”
$('#special_hide').attr('disabled', 'true');
// hide all elements with a class of “special_hide”
$('#special_hide').attr('disabled', 'false');
