





We've written our fair share of single-page JavaScript applications by hand. Writing an entire application in one language (JavaScript) with one data format (JSON) is a real joy. Meteor is everything we wanted when writing those apps.



A Meteor application is a mix of JavaScript that runs inside a client web browser, JavaScript that runs on the Meteor server inside a Node.js container, and all the supporting HTML fragments, CSS rules, and static assets. Meteor automates the packaging and transmission of these different components. And, it is quite flexible about how you choose to structure those components in your file tree.


The only server asset is JavaScript. Meteor gathers all your JavaScript files, excluding anything under the client and public subdirectories, and loads them into a Node.js server instance inside a fiber. In Meteor, your server code runs in a single thread per request, not in the asynchronous callback style typical of Node. We find the linear execution model a better fit for the typical server code in a Meteor application.


There are more assets to consider on the client side. Meteor gathers all JavaScript files in your tree with the exception of the server and public subdirectories for the client. It minifies this bundle and serves it to each new client. You're free to use a single JavaScript file for your entire application, or create a nested tree of separate files, or anything in between.

クライアントサブディレクトリとサーバーサブディレクトリの外にあるファイルはクライアントとサーバー両方上にロードされます! そこがモデル定義や他の関数用の置き場所です。また、異なるディレクトリ内にクライアントとサーバーの関数を置く代わりに、is_clientとis_server変数を使ってJavaScriptを一方もしくは他方に分離することができます。

Files outside the client and server subdirectories are loaded on both the client and the server! That's the place for model definitions and other functions. Also, instead of putting client and server functions in different directories, you can use the is_client and is_server variables to isolate JavaScript to one or the other side.

CSSファイルもちょうど同じように扱われます: クライアントは(サーバーとパブリックのサブディレクトリを除いた)ツリー内のCSSすべてを集めた束を受け取ります。

CSS files work just the same: the client will get a bundle with all the CSS in your tree (excluding the server and public subdirectories).


In development mode, JavaScript and CSS files are sent individually to make debugging easier.

MeteorアプリケーションのHTMLファイルはサーバーサイドフレームワークとは相当違う方法で扱われます。Meteorは、, ,